Xunantunich Maya Site

Xunantunich Maya Site

This site is home to the renowned 130-feet-tall temple, El Castillo, which offers incredible panoramic views of surrounding temples and views of both Belizean and Guatemalan landscapes.

  • Trvanie: 4 Hodín (cca.)
Cena od USD 70,00 USD
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Lamanai Maya Site

Lamanai Maya Site

Lamanai is a Mesoamerican archaeological site, and was once a major city of the Maya civilization, located in the north of Belize, in Orange Walk District.

  • Trvanie: 7 Hodín (cca.)
Cena od USD 150,00 USD
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Tikal Maya Site

Tikal Maya Site

Tikal is an ancient Mayan citadel in the rainforests of northern Guatemala. Possibly dating to the 1st century A.D.

  • Trvanie: 7 Hodín (cca.)
Cena od USD 160,00 USD
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Caracol Maya Site

Caracol Maya Site

Discovered in 1938 and later explored in the 1950s, Caracol was thought to be a little more than a Maya ceremonial centre.

  • Trvanie: 8 Hodín (cca.)
Cena od USD 130,00 USD
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